

Open friday 16 febuary
OUR dishes are "home made" and are produced on site from raw products.

 The Burgundy Snails in shell prepared by us
   By 6 =9.50 €  or  By 12 = 19.00 €
The Real Eggs "en meurette"                                             19.00 €
The Green Salad                                                                 9.00 €

The Duck pan-fried "Foie gras" with "Griottines de Fougerolles"   30.50 €
                (Verre de Sauterne Clos L’abeilley 2017)                     8.00 €
Roast scallp on salad with vinarette blackurrant                         19.50 €

Fish :
     The Pike-perch fillet, Epoisses cheese sauce                  34.00 €

    The traditional "Boeuf Bourguignon "                              28.00 €
    The Veal Kidney roasted with sour grapes sauce            22.00 €
    The poached eggs sauce                                              20.00 €
            ( Meurette , époisses , crémant Bourgogne) 
    Burger  Snail Palet With parsley cream                          26.00 €
    Roasted duck breast with peachs auce                          28.00 €

 Cheese :

      The Burgundy cheeses plate                                     12.00 €
                           Net Price, Service included

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Our Desserts are "Home Made",
are produces on site from raw products

The apple pie and Vanilla ice cream                       10.00 €
The Anise of Flavigny "Crème Brulée"                     9.00 €
The iced Profiteroles, glazed with hot chocolate      10.50 €
The Hot chocolate Pie                                              10.50 €
Iced nougat &red fruits coulis                                   13.50 €

Our Watered Sorbet (2cl):
(Sicilian Lemon & Vodka, Pears & Williams Pears)      13.50 €

   Our ice creams and sorbets are made by a glacier master « Glace des Alpes » in Allonzier la Caille (74)

The Ice cream and Sorbet
2 scoops :6.50 €     3 scoops :9.50 €

Ice Cream : Vanilla,Gingerbread,Café, Rum-Grapes,Chocolate, Salted-Butter caramel,
 Sorbet :   Sicilia Lemon, Vine Peach, Blackcurrant,Strawberry,
Pear Williams, Raspberry


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Our coordinates

28 rue Caroline Aigle (Anciennement rue Basse) 21220 Chambolle-Musigny - Tél. : 03 80 62 86 26